Matt sighed as he heaved another dusty box across the room. This was taking far too long. He and Karen were going through his parents' attic looking for furniture to put in their new condo. But he never realized how much crap they had kept up there. Photoalbums, tools, luggage, old clothes. Not to mention everything from his childhood from school papers to toys. "Hey, what do you think of this coatrack?" Karen asked, deftly lifting the pole from behind yet another big box. "Sure, put it by the steps," he replied. Well, at least he never tired of the view- Karen had worn tight jeans today, and every time she stretched or bent over, he fell in love with her ass all over again. Matt wiped the dustbunnies off his next box, and opened the flaps. Inside there was more junk- a mini phonebooth, a beer stein, postcards of Paris... "Must be souvenirs from their Europe trip," Matt thought, closing the flaps. But then he reopened them, having noticed a silvery glint in the corner. He grabbed the metal object, which was a small box with ornate etchings on the outside. He cracked it open, and saw a palm-sized black stone sat on some padding sitting in the center. Scratched on a small paper note next to it was: "One (1) wish". He picked it up, and, surprisingly, the stone was warm. Its weight sat comfortably in his hand; he laughed to himself, wondering how some gypsy had convinced his parents to buy it. Not much of a european memento. What the heck, might as well try. He gazed around the attic; before he could think of world peace, an end to global warming, or to become a multi-trillionaire, his sight fell on Karen, sorting through some of his old action figures. At that moment, she lifted one of his Superman figurines. In an instant, one of Matt's deepest, most secret wishes bubbled to the front of his mind. He dropped the stone. Suddenly, it had gone from warm to ice cold, like grabbing a flagpole in winter. He turned to catch it, when he heard a breathy "Oh my..." come from Karen. He turned towards her. "You ok?" "Huh? Oh, yeah," she said, as she absentmindedly rubbed her right hand over her jeans and blouse. "I just had a bit of a hot flash or something there. Must be all this dust or something." She stood up; something seemed different to Matt. She looked- taller? She had always had a beautiful figure, but now she seemed more erect, or correct, in her posture. Karen began to walk towards him; he noticed her footsteps were loud. When he glanced at her feet, instead of the flipflops she had been wearing all day, a pair of gleaming red boots stuck out from the bottom of her jeans. "No way," he mumbled. "What?" Karen said, staring into his eyes only a couple feet away. "Your, your boots," he stammered. Karen looked at her shoes. Pushing aside her thought "Why are my breasts more in the way of looking down than usual?" she saw the red boots, and only managed a "What the hell?" She put her hands in the neck of her blouse and peeked inside her shirt. Instead of seeing the bra she had put on earlier that day, there was something else. In one quick RIIIIP she tore her shirt in half, buttons flying across the room. She revealed a tight, white top with a red cape dropping down her back. A prominent red and yellow diamond with a large 'S' stretched across her chest. Her arms were mostly bare, as was her abdomen, showing off a tight pack of abs. Matt instantly recognized her outfit as that of the modern, animated Supergirl. Karen immediately tore her pants off, revealing a small red skirt at the top of her long, beautiful legs. Maybe the skirt was a little shorter than he remembered, but after all it was Matt's fantasy that had come true. "What is going on?!" Karen yelled, feeling the sleek fabric all over her body. She looked at Matt quizzically. "I think you've become Supergirl- er- Superwoman...?" he said, unsure. As if on cue, Karen realized the rest of her powers- supersight, hearing, flight, invulnerablility- somehow she knew what she could do. "Awesome," she wispered, flexing a modest bicep, then putting her hands on her hips. In Matt's eyes, she was a spitting image for a real-life Supergirl. She smiled at him, then got a distant look in her eyes. "Hold on, be right back!" she said, raising one arm over her head, and taking off through the roof. As Matt sat in silent horniness for 30 seconds [was she pantiless when she took off?!], he tried to put it all together. "Hey there, dreamer," Karen said as she floated through the new hole in the roof. She handed him a large assault rifle. "Just stopped my first crime, some jerk taking over a bank a couple blocks away. He let me borrow his gun though! Now shoot me." "Wait, what?" "I've always dreamed of being superhuman. Strong enough to lift aircraft carriers. Fast enough to slow down reality. Keen enough to see through walls. And tough enough to withstand a barrage of bullets. Shoot me!" She put her hands on her hips again. God, she was beautiful. And everything was happening so fast for Matt. He slowly lifted the barrel, aimed it at her stomach, and pulled the trigger once, not knowing if the safety was on or not. It wasn't. A loud BLAM, and then a metallic tinkling. Karen looked down at her feet, and picked up the spent bullet. "I didn't tense my tummy or anything. The bullet dimpled my skin, then just fell to the ground. Awesome," she said again. "Now keep your finger on the trigger; I'm going to slowly tense my abs; I've always thought about doing this..." Her smile was genuine; Matt grinned in return. He depressed the trigger again. At first, to her ears at least, Karen heard the bullets hit her stomach with a dull 'thud' before falling to the ground at her feet. As she flexed her abs, that noise began going up in pitch as the bullets bounced farther and farther away. By the time she was fully tensed, it sounded as if the bullets were hitting the side of a tank, and losing. The high-pitched ricochets were metal-on-something-far-harder. The deflected bullets tore apart the boxes around her. She just smiled. When the clip ran out, Karen stepped up to Matt, gently took the gun, and easily bent it in half. She squeezed the metal between her fingers, let the pieces drop, then kissed Matt with a depth he had never experienced. Her firm breasts pushed the 'S' sign into his chest; Matt felt like he was going to explode down below. "I love you, Matthew." "I love you, Superwoman." "So, any idea how this happened?" Matt looked around; sitting on the floor was the rock. "I wished on this," he said, handing it to her. "That was very unselfish of you," she said, taking the rock. "Oh my, it's warm." Before Matt could say anything, a warm jolt went down his spine. Instantly, his straining penis tore through his pants, standing at attention. "You know, every supergirl needs a superman," Karen said, grinding the rock to dust in her hand. "Only, I made sure to leave your costume on the bed downstairs." She floated over to him, and impaled her sex on his. The house began to shake, and would soon be a pile of rubble.